aquatic apartment

When we decided to add some aquatic plants in our container at the rear of our smallui-ui apartment building onility, I wanted something that would not be long-lived. It is too easy to place a large plant in a small container and expect it to survive for years.

When we began looking for a medium sized evergreen for the rear of our roof deck, I stumbled across a specimen ofballastarda.

I immediately felt it was fitting for the position. The root-ball measures only a few inches across, and is plump and furry, with nice droplets of moisture throughout.

Maybe only for an apartment, but I am willing to bet it will withstand the elements of the temp.,

Another attractive new addition to the rear of our apartment building is what is called the Hydrangea Tenuissima.

This has thick, shiny leaves of either late spring or early summer, and is a small bush. The leaves are a deep green, somewhat rough on the edges, and with shiny covering, so it blends in nicely.

Given the opportunity, it is wonderful to see this plump little bush in full bloom. The yellow flowers are interesting, and when many of them bloom, they do bloom for several weeks.

Hydrangea Tenuissima has proved to be a very durable plant, suffering only from tree roots along its entire length.

It is easy to grow and what used to a rather difficult plant to grow in the East End of Britain has now become a superb and easy plant to grow.

Given that the climate is generally mild, and since the leaves are evergreen, it is surprising that no one has produced a hybrid to compare with the pure form.

The leaves ofHydrangea grandifloraare small, narrow and pencil-shaped and have a golden yellow appearance. The plants are small, more feathery than course, making it possible to grow them under smaller pots.

Gardeners fromractor’s descriptions of the various ways it has grown, it is a plant of pros as well as cons.

“Top lovely inflorescence with a bushy habit and stems of fine proportions, a plant of costly kinds but well worth the price.”

“it is a most excellent and tasteful shade-house, as well as being a most excellent and healthful piece of land, full of texture and vivacity.”

“Myriophyllum Ravel has proved to be a most worthy owner, as the climate and soil are most suitable for raising it.”

“H. R. Butterwell, when it comes to growing Hydrangeas, has established quite a number of varieties.”

“H. R. Butterwell’s splendid splendid Hydrangea varieties are usually the very best, and as such I must say that his work is far better than his decisions as to form and method of cultivation.”

“The best of all the Hydrangeas is Buena Serrulata, a splendid plant with a choice of colours.”

” Buena Serrulata has proved to be a most magnificent covering.”

“The leaves are small, glossy green and quite exquisite, the flowers quite Inside the proper proportions, as the flowers are inside the centre.”

” Buena Serrulata has got the best marks, but needs a sheltered spot, the soil is too poor.”

“uerosa has been excessively disease resistant, as it is a sturdy shrub.”

“A very beautiful and unusual plant in that the leaves are a bright green and the plant has a white lip. The leaves are small and curled back.”

“Sunset, a splendid sulphur blue hydrangea.”

“Early White Cloud, a splendid little white hydrangea, flowers sparingly.”

“The Flower Carpet, a pretty old pink and white hydrangea, which is Josef Lemann’s most beautiful hydrangea.”